Take a deeper look into the different projects we have done with student groups
Go to Arduino LED sculpture
Arduino LED sculpture
Go to Open Source Interactive Sculptures
Open Source Interactive Sculptures
Go to Alternative Energy
Alternative Energy
Go to Cardboard Automata
Cardboard Automata
Go to Student Created Game
Student Created Game
Go to LED Cards
LED Cards
Go to Interactive Sculptures
Interactive Sculptures
Go to Simple Machines and Catapults
Simple Machines and Catapults
Go to Cantigny Catapult Contest
Cantigny Catapult Contest
Go to Tesselations
Go to Coding
Go to Beginning Circuitry
Beginning Circuitry
Go to stop motion
stop motion
Go to Toothpick Bridges
Toothpick Bridges
Go to float
Go to Hour of Code
Hour of Code
Go to Publications
Go to Professional Development, Workshops, and exhibits,.
Professional Development, Workshops, and exhibits,.
The rubber band project aims to promote inquiry based educational experiences for K-12 students. Curriculum is focused on project based, design process focused learning that stretches thinking while bundling multiple subject areas together.
We can facilitate one time or ongoing; Student Projects, Workshops, Professional Development for teachers
Our Team
The Rubber Band Project staff

Steve Gross
Owner and Founder
Steve holds teaching certificates in both Iowa and New York. For the past decade he has consulted with hundreds of school districts world wide on instructional technology.

Kelly Gross
Owner and Founder
Dr. Gross is an assistant professor at Illinois State University and faculty at the Vermont College of Fine Art MAT program.